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Thursday, 26 July 2012

Sleeping Beauty Disease

Last week on Sunday Night, I watched a segment and it was about a disease that can cause one to sleep for long periods of time. It is referred to as Kleine-Levin Syndrome or simply Sleeping Beauty disease.

Sufferers of Kleine-Levin syndrome can sleep up to anywhere up to 6 months. There is little warning before an episode is about to occur although sufferers may become irritable and develop flulike symptoms.

During an episode, one may not wake up unless they are going to eat or go to the bathroom. However, there is a catch. Although they may be awake, the sufferer is not fully alert and may not understand what you are saying. Additionally, they miss out on events such as school recitals, friends birthdays, schoolwork  and milestones.

However, do not fret too much. It is not likely that you or the people you know will suffer from Kleine-Levin syndrome anytime soon. There are only around 500-1000 known cases around the world.

(Courtesy of Fanpop)

Until next time,

Laura xx

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